Hello to you all, thank you so much for taking a look at my website and more importantly subscribing to my blog. After a crazy old year or so for me and the rest of the world, I am super excited to be starting my new business and finally following a wonderful creative path, which is something I have always wanted to do.
There comes a time when you realise that life is just simply too short to not do things that make you happy... so, with the amazing support and backing of my husband I am truly about to embark on a journey that I can't wait, to not only see the fruit's of my own labours but to also share it with you.
These first couple of months have all been about the preparation, I have been mainly in my garden building raised beds and planting lots and lots and lots of seeds!! The weather this year is very different to last year though...can you remember the lovely sunny days we had in lockdown 2020? This has meant that my entire house has been packed to the rafters of trays of little seedlings that I have been obsessing daily over, "are they too hot, too cold, - do they need more water or less water!" It's been fun though and I do sing to them and stroke them!
I am going to try growing Dahlias as well this year so those wonderful tubers were taking over my potting shed until last week when I finally thought, you know what lets go for survival of the fittest and see what happens, I will let you know how that very action has faired late on in the year!
The next steps in my garden is about trying to create some wind barriers as we are literally in the middle of a farmers field and when she blows she really does let it go! I will update you on the progress in the coming months.
Please don't forget I am on social media and you can find me on facebook and instagram as Field Good Flowers! I also have a TikTok account but not yet been brave enough to post on there! keep a look out...Thank you for reading and speak to you all soon. Namaste :)
